Cheng-Jun Wang


Cheng-Jun Wang is currently an associate professor in the School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University. He is the director of Computational Communication Collaboratory and the Socrates Lab. He is also a research member of Web Mining Lab, City University of Hong Kong. His research interest focuses on employing big data, computational methods, and social theories to study human communication behaviors, including but not limited to information diffusion, attention flow, and computational narrative. His research on computational communication appears in both SSCI and SCI indexed journals. His new book Jumping over the network threshold: Information diffusion on social media (in Chinese 《跨越网络的门槛:社交媒体上的信息扩散》) has recently been published by the Science Press in July 2022. You can find his CV here.

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  1. JOI
    Unpacking the essential tension of knowledge recombination: Analyzing the impact of knowledge spanning on citation impact and disruptive innovation
    Cheng-Jun Wang, Lihan Yan, and Haochuan Cui
    Journal of Informetrics, 2023


  1. Internet
    Jumping over the network threshold of information diffusion: testing the threshold hypothesis of social influence
    Cheng-Jun Wang, and Jonathan JH Zhu
    Internet Research, 2021


  1. Telematics
    Jumping onto the Bandwagon of Collective Gatekeepers: Testing the Bandwagon Effect of Information Diffusion on Social News Website
    C.J. Wang, and J.J Zhu
    Telematics and Informatics, 2019