
Materials for courses you taught.


I am teaching the following courses:

My Home Education Course Explaining the world to kids! (2021-Now)

Academic Writing

I am planning to teach a undergraduate course based on Professor Liu Junqiang’s book titled The Craft of Writing (《写作是门手艺》). Github Repo.

Causal Inference

I finished reading the book 「原因と結果」の経済学―――データから真実を見抜く思考法 and I think it is very useful as the textbook for the class of Causal Inference 101. Check the Slides and Notebook.

Other Activites

My ebook Elements of Computational Communication (In Chinese 《计算传播学网络讲义》)is now available online, enjoy! https://chengjun.github.io/mybook.

I am organizing the Tycho Reading Club to discuss the computational social science every Wendesday at News Coffee. You can learn about our future activies by scanning the QR code below or watch the videos of prior activites.


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